Wednesday, July 4, 2012


GROUP E N207 AY 2012-2013 

Neil Geneblazo 
Ma. Amelita Gernale 
Ariane Ann Gloria 
Pauline Gregorio 
Hanna Danielle Guerrero 
Faith Florence Gutierrez 
Raschelle Halos 
Yehlen Hilario 
Nina Joyce Hubilla 
Irene Jessica Icuspit-Lim 
Alvin Mark Ignacio 
Cherry Ann Blanco Jabagat 
Ruby Rosa Jacinto 
Jerico Jaranilla 
Madelaine Johnson 
Milene Kalano 
Ma. Frances Lagniton 
Maria Janette Lavarino 
Maria Rachel Ledesma 
Ivan H. Lee 

Nightingale, Orem, Henderson and Leininger- these are just some of the names in the long list of individuals who made their own mark in the nursing field by contributing theories that helped shape our vocation into the art and science that it is now. Inevitably, theories come to surface, as education and research pave the way for individuals to question and be inquisitive. Bottom line is we need to understand the significance of these theories- whether it was written centuries ago or in this new age. As nurses, acquiring new skills to become more efficient and sensitive to our clients' needs, is a lifetime responsibility.

The group created this page to closely examine one of the "new age nursing theory"- as it can be rightfully classified. This is the Tidal Model of Phil Barker and his wife, Poppy. We hope that this will be as insightful as it was for us. And may this remind us the significance of these theories- without them, we would be like navigators without compasses. Therefore, fellow nurses, let's always arm ourselves with this "compass."