Major Concepts


1. MAN
  • A philosopher who defines his or her own meaning and purpose in life. 
  • He or she is also defined by relationships and the role one assumes
  •  Because of the many relationships of every person, their roles will vary in every occasion.

  • Health is a personal experience with a personal definition. 
  • It is a result of self-awareness, self-discipline and inner resources.
  • It is holistic but is subject to the patient's definition of it.

  • Nursing is caring WITH the patient, instead of for the patient. 
  • It is necessary to build solid relationships to enable the patient to weather the storms of life. 
  • Collaboration and empowerment are given priority throughout the nurse-patient relationship
  • Nurses are to find interventions using solution-based techniques. 
 To learn more about the implications of the tidal model in nursing, click here.

  • This is composed of family, culture and relationships. 
  • A stable environment promotes a positive and therapeutic relationship. 
  • Within the tidal metaphor, the patient find one's self in a stormy environment (where relationships are strained or rocky) or a calm environment (where relationships are constructive and fulfilling). 


The tidal model is applied through six key philosophical assumptions:
  1. A belief in the virtue of curiosity : the person is the world authority on their life and its problems. By expressing genuine curiosity, the professional can learn something of the ‘mystery’ of the person’s story. 
  2. Recognition of the power of resourcefulness, rather than focusing on problems, deficits or weaknesses.
  3. Respect for the person's wishes, rather than being paternalistic. 
  4. Acceptance of the paradox of crisis as opportunity.
  5. Acknowledging that all goals must belong to the person.
  6. The virtue of pursuing elegance—the simplest possible means being sought.

  1. Barker P. The tidal model: developing a person-centered approach to psychiatric and mental health nursing. Perspect Psychiatr Care. 2001 Jul-Sep;37(3):79-87
  2. Barker P. The Tidal Model: Theory and Practice. University of Newcastle, 2000.

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