Theoretical Foundation


The Tidal Model has developed a specific theory of personhood, based around the 'storytelling' process involved where people talk to themselves (Self Dimension), share something of the story of their lives with others (World Dimension) and enact the living of their lives, influencing others and being influenced in turn by them (Others Dimension). With the Tidal Model, the practitioner explores these dimensions to know of the situation in the present time and determine what needs to happen now. 
  • The World dimension focuses on the person's need to be understood. An example would be a personal experience of distress, illness, or trauma validated by others. 
  • The Self dimension focuses on the person's need for security, both physical and emotional.
  •  The Others dimension emphasizes the kind of support the person might need from a whole range of people and agencies in order to live an ordinary life. It may also be in the form of housing, finance, occupation and leisure.

Change is inevitable thus nothing lasts- Neither our sadness, nor our joy. The fleeting nature of our human experience is the very ingredient that makes it so special. The pain of emotional distress only feels as if it is unceasing. The euphoria of genuine happiness deceives us into thinking that it is anything more than 'momentary'. But, nothing lasts. If only we could hang on to this enduring wisdom, we might begin to live in, and for, the moment. 

Nurses need to accept that we can never know another person's experience - either of joy or pain. Such is true of what we call mental distress, which is something that has to be experienced, to be fully understood. For those of us who think that we have never really been 'mad' or 'seriously mentally ill' , the best that we can do is to develop our sense of empathy.
We try to fit ourselves, as much as we are able - or as much as we dare - inside the experience of those who really 'know': those whom we call 'patients' or 'clients' of the psychiatric services.


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