The Theory


The model defines the key concepts metaphorically. Though Barker seems to focus his model on mental health, he speaks of wellness as the goal of every patient, or person, throughout his or her life. Life, as per Barker, is a journey on the ocean (life's experiences). Every man's goal is to keep his or her own ship (health) intact and secured. Inevitably, as the ship sails, it experiences storms (crisis) and sometimes, water gets into one's ship (when our defenses are not able to meet the existing demands of the environment). Our ship's stability (homeostasis or state of balance) is disturbed. The choices given at this point is either to be drowned (ineffective health management) or to undertake repairs (effective health management). But such, Barker argues, cannot be done alone. There exists a need to be guided in the steps of achieving recovery from the trauma (rehabilitation). Through shared efforts (by the client and the healthcare provider), the ship is repaired and one can resume the course and the journey called life.

The Tidal Model helps people reclaim the 
story of their problems of human living, 
 as a first step towards recovering the story of their lives.

 "The Tidal Model is a philosophical approach to the discovery of mental health. It emphasizes helping people reclaim the personal story of mental distress, by recovering their voice. By using their own language, metaphors and personal stories, people begin to express something of the meaning of their lives. This is the first step towards helping and recovering control over their lives". - Barker, 2001
  • Tidal model is a mental health recovery model which may be used as the basis for interdisciplinary mental health care.
  •  It is a person-centered and holistic form of psychosocial intervention.
  •  The main focus of the model is helping individual people make their own voyage of discovery.
  •  It provides a practice framework for the exploration of the patient's need for nursing and the provision of individually-tailored care.

Reference: Official internet site for the Tidal Model available at

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